Monday, 14 September 2015

Love is...

I'm a sketch artist and it's about that time I strongly felt that I should give due credit to the cartoon comic strips that I grew up with... Growing up, I got to scroll through the Daily Nation newspaper and head straight to the Leisure section with the TV guide, crossword puzzle and my all time favorite, the Love is... comic strip. I'm estimating it was the 90s era, before Andy Capp took over with his antics and drinking buddies. Anyway, for those who do remember, newspapers were a luxury in most Kenyan households at some point before they spread everywhere. That time you had to wait for your parents to read and have to wait till they are done before you could get a chance to have a peak. To your disappointment, the crossword was already filled.... Yeah. I know. I was such a geek in my childhood. That's besides the point actually. With that I got to have an interest in the comic strip sections.
The Daily Nation newspapers had the Love is... strip on weekdays. At one point introduced Peanuts (Snoopy) while on the Sunday Nation paper still has the Popeye, Flash Gordon and The Phantom.... For those who don't read newspaper, the stories still are going on...

Popeye and eating spinach with his bulging funny 'muscles' and calves....

Though I sincerely got lost in the Flash Gordon story line and all that travelling between intergalactic worlds...

The Phantom just being the Ghost Who Walks...

Love is... comics. Just two simple characters showing us the simplest of feelings in this world. I did my research and found out that the cartoonist, Kim Casali, drew the cartoon strips for her husband. Quite the great and awe inspiring dedication from wife to husband....

The other good thing about the Love is... comics is that they were launched on 5th January 1970. My birthday is on 5th January. Y'all can start sending next year's gifts as early as now... All will be greatly appreciated...

Not a coincidence but don't you just love it when you know that your birthday coincides with the launch date of your favorite cartoon strip... Just a couple of years before I existed... I pay homage to this cartoon strip because it's the epitome of what we desire to have from a partner.

What better way than to have it done in simple cartoons that just express the deepest desires of our hearts. A cartoon that breaks down the Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 13:4- 8... I really wish I could put up all of the Love is... strips but that would be just an endless scrolling.

As a dedication to a true and dear psycho friend, Derry Ace, who is so obsessed with Snoopy. Here's a little something. So that you don't get to go after me later on for having not mentioned you... That 4 liter ice cream is still just mine. You have a cold. As God said we should share. You share the ice cream with lovely me and you keep the cold to yourself..... Hahahaha....